I am trying to take the transcription text from a Youtube video and parse it out into a document for editing. I have been able to remove the majority of the HTML markup that is placed in it. However, I would like to remove the code below, which is the timestamp and offset that has already been parsed into a single string.
I've tried this but I am no good at regexes:
In Regex101 tester (https://regex101.com/r/a9wi2j/3/), it works but in EditPad replace, it does not.
What regex in EditPad would remove all the lines ending with below ">
that so if you have production staff you
can create logins like that for them and
then they have access to all the
information and everything they need but
they can't go in and adjust pricing on
You need to remove backslash before >
because in earlier versions of EditPad \>
had been interpreted as a word boundary and recent versions don't support this token.
You need to enable m
flag too as you did in provided demo: