In development mode i am using require for html images and compiling using webpack.
Below code is compiled using webpack and return output as normal html but how to use it for html5 srcset 2x 3x images?
<img src=<%=require("./images/test.png") %><!-compiled properly-->
<img src=<%=require("./images/test.png") %> srcset="images/test-2x.png 2x, images/test-3x.png 3x" class="img-fluid" />
In webpack.config.js Install srcset loader after that use the rules below.
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(gif|png|jpg|svg)$/i,
loader: 'srcset-loader',
<img src=<%=require("./images/test.png")%> srcset="<%=require("./images/test-2x.png")%> 2x ,<%=require("./images/test-3x.png")%> 3x" class="img-fluid" />
Now using this code webpack will optimize 2x 3x images in production mode.