Trying to download from Oracle Maven Repo in a gradle project, it fails because seems to be a problem with pom file encoding.
If you create a build.gradle file like this with your Oracle credentials:
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'distribution'
repositories {
maven {
url ''
credentials {
username '[email protected]'
password 'mypwd'
dependencies {
compile ''
distributions {
main {
contents {
from configurations.compile
And execute this:
$> gradle distZip
Could not resolve Required by: project : > Could not resolve Could not parse POM Byte no válido 1 de la secuencia UTF-8 de 1 bytes
I've cut the output, but fails with the rest of poms referenced by the first.
If you download the file via browser, it seems that file has latin-1 encoded characters inside (instead of utf-8 as indicate in xml first line).
It seems it happened before:
Is it possible circunvent this?
It seems only fails with optional dependencies (ojdbc8 and ucp download fine). To avoid problems, and if you don't need those dependencies, exclude them this way in build.gradle:
compile ('') {
exclude group: ''