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AudioKit: How to operate with AKOperation parameter values as Double?

I want to calculate pow() in the following context:

let generator = AKOperationGenerator { parameters in

    let depth = PitchEnvVCO.freqDecayDepth.times(PitchEnvVCO.freqDecayAmount)
    let wdth = pow(2.0, depth/12.0) * PitchEnvVCO.frequency // throws error
    let ptch = AKOperation.exponentialSegment(
        trigger: PitchEnvVCO.gate,
        start: wdth,
        end: PitchEnvVCO.frequency,
        duration: PitchEnvVCO.freqDecayTime

    let oscillator = AKOperation.squareWave(

        frequency: ptch,
        amplitude: PitchEnvVCO.amplitude.triggeredWithEnvelope(
            trigger: PitchEnvVCO.gate,
            attack: 0.01,
            hold: 0.0,
            release: PitchEnvVCO.ampDecayTime
    return oscillator

and get the error

Cannot convert value of type 'AKOperation' to expected argument type 'Double'

I have build my generator like in the filter envelope example. How could I cast AKOperation to its Double Value? thnx!


  • After rethinking the concept I did the calculation outside the AKOperationGenerator and added more AKOperation.parameters to store the results:

    let generator = AKOperationGenerator { parameters in
        let ptch = AKOperation.exponentialSegment(
            trigger: PitchEnvVCO.gate,
            start: PitchEnvVCO.freqDecayDepth,
            duration: PitchEnvVCO.freqDecayTime
        let oscillator = AKOperation.morphingOscillator(
            frequency: ptch,
            amplitude: PitchEnvVCO.amplitude.triggeredWithEnvelope(
                trigger: PitchEnvVCO.gate,
                attack: 0.01,
                hold: 0.0,
                release: PitchEnvVCO.ampDecayTime
            index: 1 // square
        return oscillator
    func getFrequencyOffsetInHz() -> Double { // converts frequency in Hz from semitones
        // change n semitones relative to baseFreq : fn = 2power(n/12) × Fb
        return (pow(2, vco1FreqOffset/12) * vco1Freq) - vco1Freq
    func getFreqModDepthInHz() -> Double{ // converts semintone depth to Hz
        let currentFrequency = vco1Freq + getFrequencyOffsetInHz()
        let powow = pow(2.0, (vco1EGAmnt * vco1DecayDepth)/12.0) * currentFrequency
        if powow != 0.0 {
            return powow
        return currentFrequency
    func setOscParamsForBaseFreq() {
        generator.parameters[PitchEnvVCOSynthParameter.frequency.rawValue] = vco1Freq
        generator.parameters[PitchEnvVCOSynthParameter.frequencyOffset.rawValue] = getFrequencyOffsetInHz()
        generator.parameters[PitchEnvVCOSynthParameter.freqDecayDepth.rawValue] = getFreqModDepthInHz()