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How to set background image over view in react native?

I'm trying to set a background image in react native.I want a background cover image. I've done like the below

        <Image source={ require('../Images/5.jpg') } style = { styles.image } />
                        <Text style={ styles.textStyle } > { a.content = a.content.replace(regex, '') } < /Text>
                        < RadioForm style= {{ width: 350 - 30 }} outerColor = "#080103" innerColor = "#FF5733" itemShowKey = "label" itemRealKey = "item" dataSource = { transform(a.options) } onPress = {(item)=>this._onSelect(item)}/>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    image: {
        flex: 1,
        resizeMode: 'cover',
        position: 'absolute',
        width: "100%",
        flexDirection: 'column'
    textStyle: {
        fontSize: 16,
        color: '#000',
        padding: 5,

But I'm getting something like this

this is i'm getting


  • You might need to add the ImageBackground outside of your ScrollView and make sure flex is being passed to the ImageBackground style'

    For example

    <View style={{flex: 1}}>
              resizeMode={'stretch'} // or cover
              style={{flex: 1}} // must be passed from the parent, the number may vary depending upon your screen size
              source={require('/*Your Image Path*/')}
                {/*Render the children here*/}