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tee not working with ssh running an external script

I'm trying to log everything happening during an ssh session while showing output on shell.

sshpass -p "password" ssh -tt -o ConnectTimeout=10 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no username@"$terminal" 'bash -s' < libs/debug-mon.lib "$function" | grep -E '^INFO:|^WARNING:' || echo "WARNING: Terminal not reacheable or wrong IP" | tee -a libs/debug-monitor-logs

I'm not getting anything on the log libs/debug-monitor-logs file Could you please help me to see where the issue is?



  • looks like this only thing you will ever write into the log file is "WARNING: Terminal not reacheable or wrong IP"

    try something like this

    (command-that-might-fail || echo error message) | tee -a log-file

    instead of

    commant-that-might-fail || echo error message | tee -a log-file

    (put the whole expression in brackets that you want to pipe into tee)