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Swagger UI shows nested model objects when using ZoneId and jackson-datatype-jsr310

I am developing a REST API with Spring, springfox, Jackson and my model class contains a ZoneId as property:

private ZoneId timeZone;

I included jackson-datatype-jsr310 version 2.9.0.pr4 in my dependencies, so it is serializing and deserializing fine as expected. But my swagger-ui shows a lot of model objects like ZoneId, ZoneOffset, ZoneOffsetTransition etc now which is very confusing since the zone ID is serialized as simple string. Same situation in generated API spec. How can I prevent swagger to expose these (unused) model objects?


  • You could try @ApiModelProperty setting dataType to string:

    @ApiModelProperty(dataType = "string")
    private ZoneId timeZone;

    If dataType gets ignored, you can use Docket:

    public Docket configureDocket() {
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
                .directModelSubstitute(ZoneId .class, String.class);