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OSM Web Wizard usage

Instead of manually counting number of vehicles and entering in OSM Web Wizard is there any possible way to interface it with a python code that run to count number of vehicles from a video clip?

Is there a possibility to link the python file of vehicle counting to the in order to automatically feed the vehicle count?

In case of any code which could help for the same. Is there any possibility that Veins might help solve the issue?

Thanks in advance.


  • The web wizard is meant as a starting point but not as a general scenario creation toolkit. The generated scenario is placed in your working directory and has a name corresponding to the current date like ~/programming/git/sumo/2018-03-14-08-43-44. If you look into this directory you will find a build.bat which contains the calls to which generate the traffic. If you want to change the amount of traffic you should change the period parameter -p. You can of course call from your own script as well. The relation between the vehicle count in the Web Wizard and the period is explained here: