Search code examples

Strange behavior with MultivaluedSection?


I have been using Eureka for a while,It's amazing!!!

Recently I work on with MultivaluedSection,I write a simple project for test : It simple add/delete person from tableView.

here are code , first for model : Person

struct Person:Equatable,CustomStringConvertible{
    var description: String{
        return "\(name) \(id)"

    static func ==(lhs: Person, rhs: Person) -> Bool {
        return ==

    var id:String
    var name:String

    init(name:String){ = UUID().uuidString = name

next code for VC :

class ViewController: FormViewController {

    var people:[Person] = []

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        //hide delete button at row left
        tableView.isEditing = false

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let peopleSection = MultivaluedSection(multivaluedOptions:[.Delete,.Reorder,.Insert],header:"people")

        peopleSection.tag = "people"
        peopleSection.multivaluedRowToInsertAt = {idx in
            let newRow = LabelRow(){row in
                let person = Person(name: "h\(idx)")
                row.value = person.description

                let deleteAction = SwipeAction(style: .destructive, title: "DEL"){action,row,completion in
                row.trailingSwipe.actions = [deleteAction]
            return newRow

        peopleSection.addButtonProvider = {section in
            let addBtn = ButtonRow("add"){row in
                row.title = "new person"
            return addBtn

        form +++ peopleSection

Run app , like the following picture:

enter image description here

There are 2 questions :

1:You can see when I add 3 person then delete them in order , everything is fine! But when I add person again some wrong is happened : it seem like the section's header was pulled very long. why???

2:When I added some people to tableView,there're title are not left-aligned,Why is that :

enter image description here

Thanks a lot!


  • Please update the code,

    peopleSection.multivaluedRowToInsertAt = {idx in
        return LabelRow() {
            let person = Person(name: "h\(idx)")
            $0.title = person.description

    It will give you following output, and delete will also work properly.

    enter image description here