I'm writing a script in Python 2.7 that has the user input the atomic symbol for an element. The script then prints out information about the element.
However, I'm not sure how to have a class use a variable from the raw_input
. Here is the code with a couple of the 118 elements gone for readability:
class PTable(object):
def __init__(self, name, atom_num, atom_sym, atom_mass,period, group, atom_type,state):
self.name = name
self.atom_num = atom_num
self.atom_sym = atom_sym
self.atom_mass = atom_mass
self.period = period
self.group = group
self.atom_type = atom_type
self.state = state
h = PTable("Hydrogen",1,"H",1.0079,1,1,"Nonmetal","Gas")
he = PTable("Helium",2,"He",4.0026,1,18,"Nonmetal","Gas")
li = PTable("Lithium",3,"Li",6.941,2,1,"Alkali metal","Solid")
be = PTable("Beryllium",4,"Be",9.0121831,2,2,"Alkaline earth","solid")
og = PTable("Oganesson",1,"H",1.008,1,1,"Nonmetal","Gas")
def results(name, num, sym, mass, per, gro, typ, state):
print "Name:", name
print "Atomic number:", num
print "Atomic symbol:", sym
print "Atomic mass:", mass
print "Period:", per
print "Group:", gro
print "Type:", typ
print "State:", state
# results(h.name, h.atom_num, h.atom_sym, h.atom_mass, h.period, h.group, h.atom_type, h.state)
def hub():
x = raw_input("What element? ")
results(%s.name, %s.atom_num, %s.atom_sym, %s.atom_mass, %s.period, %s.group, %s.atom_type, %s.state) % (x)
The code that gives me the syntax error is:
results(%s.name, %s.atom_num, %s.atom_sym, %s.atom_mass, %s.period, %s.group, %s.atom_type, %s.state) % (x)
The error is obvious; syntax is wrong, so I tried another way:
results(x.name, x.atom_num, x.atom_sym, x.atom_mass, x.period, x.group, x.atom_type, x.state)
That, too, did not work, and I got the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/NAME/Desktop/PTable.py", line 146, in
File "C:/Users/NAME/Desktop/PTable.py", line 143, in hub
results(x.name, x.atom_num, x.atom_sym, x.atom_mass, x.period, x.group, x.atom_type, x.state)
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'name'
Do you know how I can make it so the user is able to type in the name of the element (the atomic symbol) and the code prints out the information?
The line x = raw_input("What element? ")
provides you with a string, say 'he'
, so when you call x.name
you are attempting to access an attribute of that string and not of the variable he
What you should do is store your elements in a dictionary instead of having them as variables and access them with the key provided by your user.
periodic_table = {
'h': PTable("Hydrogen",1,"H",1.0079,1,1,"Nonmetal","Gas"),
'he': PTable("Helium",2,"He",4.0026,1,18,"Nonmetal","Gas"),
symbol = raw_input("What element? ")
element = periodic_table[symbol]
except KeyError:
print('This element does not exist')
As for printing the element, I would suggest a more object-oriented approach by implementing the PTable.__str__
class PTable(object):
def __str__(self):
# Add in the format and information that you want to be printed
return "Name: {}".format(self.name)
You can then directly print your elements.
print periodic_table['he']
# prints: 'Name: Helium'