I am using the following code to put the google sign in button in my application. However the text in the button is off center. How can I make it centered?
android:layout_marginLeft="50dp" />
By inspecting with the debugger and the decompiled class code, I've noticed:
. It uses inter-process binding APIs to create some class from some other library, and I couldn't identify that class nor locate its decompiled class code.Thus, it seems like some manual padding is put on the real button, on the side with the G icon. Why they would do this, no idea. From the above, it's pretty safe to "fix" the padding after the button is inflated from your XML. I think this is also safe in the case of RTL, since the padding on the side with the icon is always larger, I think (or I sure hope so, somebody please let me know if this is broken in RTL):
loginBinding!!.googleSignInButton.getChildAt(0)?.let {
val smaller = Math.min(it.paddingLeft, it.paddingRight)
it.setPadding(smaller, it.paddingTop, smaller, it.paddingBottom)
That's Kotlin, of course.