I am attempting to create a link in an APEX (Oracle) chart which will open an interactive report page by using the "Link Builder -Target" wizard.
Link Builder -Target Dialog]1
Unfortunately the link is passing the column name (bob) rather than it's value:
If I substitute a value for #BOB#, the interactive page opens properly.
How do I get APEX to pass the column value rather than the column name to the linked page?
Page Designer vs Legacy Component View
Apex 5.0 still using anychart charts, but using Page Designer the query of the chart is not validate. If you change to Legacy Component View you must see a error on save the chart with this query.
The selects in anychart charts need a query following these terms:
*BOB column is not valid to use on Link Builder Target
Try to put the value of the BOB column in the LINK column, like:
or use APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL, in this case it's not necessary to use Link Builder Target. ...
The query needs only three columns called LINK, LABEL and VALUE. Use alias to make this.
('f?p=&APP_ID.:14:&APP_SESSION.::::P14_RECIEVER,P14_VALUE:' || bob || ',' || quantity) AS LINK,
month AS LABEL,
quantity AS VALUE
FROM mytable
User: test
Password: test
Issue page: https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=145797:10