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Fetch 'Copyright' info field for an exe using commandline in Windows Server 2016

I am interested in getting the 'Copyright' information field using the cmd or PowerShell. Manually, it can be accessed by

RighClick the executable -> Properties -> Details -> Copyright

I am aware of the wmic datafile command,

wmic datafile where Name="C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" get Manufacturer,Name,Version

but it does not give most of the detailed information from the Details tab in the file properties.

How do I get this info using cmd or PowerShell? I believe Python should be able to solve it easily, but sometimes it is not an option to install python on production server.


  • Powershell actually gives you a plethora of information in the VersionInfo property.

    (Get-Item "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe").VersionInfo.LegalCopyright

    Here is a technet article with more information if you need it.