Recently I was performing changes with my wordpress website. I am getting desktop-columns-3 tablet-columns-2 mobile-columns-1
on my every product page.
I am clueless since when I search for this error it is only telling me about the sizing not any reason why I am getting this written everywhere.
Getting issue with all product pages
I had this problem too and this is how I fixed it.
Go to wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wp-template-functions.php
Line 708 has the line:
$loop_start = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_loop_start', ob_get_clean() );
That line is already defined in several places, so i've commented it out and it's resolved the problem. I don't know if it's broken something somewhere else but everything seems to be working fine for now.. If it does break something my next idea is make it "echo false" or something.
Either way, this seems to work for now. Good luck with your site!