I am writing a node.js application using TypeScript and Mongoose. I am using the TypeScript model approach and continue to receive "cannot read property CasterConstructor' of undefined" when I call the create method to create a new subdocument. An example of the code is outlined below:
export let SeatSchema: Schema = new Schema({
travelerId: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: true},
seatClass: {type: Schema.Types.String, minlength: 5, maxlength:10, required: true, enum: [“FirstClass”, “Coach”]},
row: {type: Schema.Types.Number, required: true},
section: {type: Schema.Types.Number, required: true},
hasBoarded: {type: Schema.Types.Boolean, required: false}
export let PlaneSchema: Schema = new Schema({
manufacturer: {type: Schema.Types.String, required: true},
seatsChart: [SeatSchema],
routeId: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘routes’, required: true}];
export interface ISeat {
travelerId: string,
seatClass: string,
row: number,
section: number,
hasBoarded: boolean
export interface IPlane {
manufacturer: string,
seatsChart: Types.DocumentArray<ISeatModel>,
routeId: [string]
export interface ISeatModel extends ISeat, Subdocument {
export interface IPlaneModel extends IPlane, Document {
constructor(db) {
this._model: Model<IPlaneModel> = db.model<IPlaneModel>(“Plane”, PlaneSchema);
addNewSeat(planeId: string, seat: ISeat) {
let plane: IPlaneModel = await this._model.findById(planeId);
let newSeat: ISeatModel = plane.SeatsChart.create(seatAttributes);
let planeUpdated: IPlane = await plane.save();
This is the error I keep receiving:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'casterConstructor' of undefined
at Array.create (/node_modules/mongoose/lib/types/documentarray.js:236:35)
What could I be missing, and is this the right approach altogether?
After I switched to using push, the problem seems to be in /mongoose/lib/types/array.js, _checkManualPopulation:
function _checkManualPopulation(arr, docs) {
var ref = arr._schema.caster.options && arr._schema.caster.options.ref;
if (arr.length === 0 &&
docs.length > 0) {
if (_isAllSubdocs(docs, ref)) {
arr._parent.populated(arr._path, [], { model: docs[0].constructor });
For some reason, the _schema object is undefined when push gets called which results in the exception. I am not sure if this is a bug or if something else is not getting called that would otherwise initialize the _schema property?
I found the answer. I ended up having to move logic that creates the database connection from a separate library to an inversify.config.js file in the main project and inject the mongoose connection into each repository. That seems to have fixed the problem.