I am using the npm package "react-draggable" to allow drag on an element that contains a form.
Now that I can drag around my element, I am very happy... But the input fields are not clickable as in you're not able to click and type. The only thing i can do is click and hold to then type.
render() {
return (
<div className="pokedex">
<div className="screen">
{this.state.isSearching ? (<Loader/>) : null}
{this.state.hasFound ? this.renderResult() : null}
{this.state.hasError ? (<p className="text-center error">{this.state.hasError}</p>) : null}
<form onSubmit={(e) => this.onSubmit(e)}>
<input className="field" type="text" placeholder="Who is this pokemon?" onChange={(e) => this.setPokemon(e.target.value)}/>
{this.state.isSearching ? <input className="button text-center" disabled type="submit" value="Find!"/> : <input className="button text-center" type="submit" value="Find!"/>}
<div className="button-group">
<div className="blue-button"/>
<div className="green-button"/>
<div className="orange-button"/>
Is there a way to avoid this kind of behaviour?
Adding event.stopPropagation()
onMouseDown did the trick!
Prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
render() {
return (
<div className="pokedex">
<div className="screen">
{this.state.isSearching ? (<Loader/>) : null}
{this.state.hasFound ? this.renderResult() : null}
{this.state.hasError ? (<p className="text-center error">{this.state.hasError}</p>) : null}
<form onSubmit={(e) => this.onSubmit(e)}>
<input onMouseDown={(e) => {e.stopPropagation()}} className="field" type="text" placeholder="Who is this pokemon?" onChange={(e) => this.setPokemon(e.target.value)}/>
{this.state.isSearching ? <input className="button text-center" disabled type="submit" value="Find!"/> : <input className="button text-center" type="submit" value="Find!"/>}
<div className="button-group">
<div className="blue-button"/>
<div className="green-button"/>
<div className="orange-button"/>