I'm using FFMPEG library for generating video thumbnails every 5 sec with time codes using following command:
ffmpeg \
-i 20051210-w50s.flv \
-y \
-frames 1 \
-vf " \
select=not(mod(t\,5)), \
scale=320:-1, \
drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf: \
timecode='00\\:00\\:00\\:00': r=25: fontcolor=white: x=220: y=220: box=1: [email protected], \
tile=5x2" \
-vsync 0 \
It gererate right thumbnails tile, but timecodes is wrong. How to solve this issue?
The drawtext filter is not referencing the timestamp. It uses a simple counter that increments the timecode for each new frame. So, the way to do this is to draw each timecode and then drop frames.
ffmpeg \
-i 20051210-w50s.flv \
-y \
-frames 1 \
-vf " \
scale=320:-1, \
drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf: \
timecode='00\\:00\\:00\\:00': r=25: fontcolor=white: x=220: y=220: box=1: [email protected], \
select=not(mod(t\,5)), \
tile=5x2" \
-vsync 0 \