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rails chartkick gchart remove value on hover (tooltip)

I am using chartick and wanted to remove the word value(image below) from the tooltip on hover. So I will have Thu 33,406 instead of Thu value: 33,406
enter image description here Is it possible since I am not using google chart directly?


  • I end up using highcharts.

    <%= pie_chart $top_10_mention.reverse, adapter: "highcharts", id:"mention",  colors: "#4B83B4", download: "mention", refresh: 60,
    library: { 
        style: {color: "blue", fontSize: 10},
        tooltip: {pointFormat: "<b>{point.y}</b>"},
        chartArea: {left: "2", top: "5", width: "70%", right: "30"},
        legend: { position: "right", maxLines: 10, textStyle: {color: "blue", fontSize: 10}},
        colors: ["#C2F4FF", "#82B6FF", "#ec8f6e", "#0099FF", "#F76161", "#76BDD1", "#E53434", "#005F9D", "#FFC2C2", "#5D90EC"]

    tooltip: {pointFormat: "{point.y}"},