Given the example in the RUTA Guide:
DECLARE Sentence;
PERIOD #{-> MARK(Sentence)} PERIOD;
I would like to include the first PERIOD in the sentence annotation, is that possible ?
Do you want the first period "." in the sentence annotation? You can do that with the following script.
DECLARE Sentence;
(PERIOD #){-> MARK(Sentence)} PERIOD;
DECLARE Sentence;
(PERIOD #){-> Sentence} PERIOD;
Using input: "my first sentence. And my second sentence."
You will get ". And my second sentence" marked as sentence.
Is that what you try to achieve? I don't think so ;-) I think you want real sentences with the dot at the end of the sentence?
You can do that for example with:
DECLARE Sentence;
((# PERIOD){-> Sentence })*;
You will get: "my first sentence." and " And my second sentence." marked as sentence.