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what about the performance of one-time-binding and read-only

One-time data binding:

As its name suggests, the binding happens only once, ie, in the first digest cycle. One-time binding allows for a model or view to be updated ONCE from the value set by the controller upon the first digest

The syntax is {{::expression}}. in angularjs and in angular 2 is here :angular 2 one time binding


Sets the readonly attribute on the element, if the expression inside ngReadonly is truthy. Note that readonly applies only to input elements with specific types

The syntax is ng-readonly="expression" and angular 2 have [readonly]="true"

Difference and Question

I guess both are similarly doing the same process but the only difference is read-only is allow to disable the control. So what about the performance between those and their have any other difference?


  • I am answering for the angularjs part :

    ng-readonly does not affect performance it only set the readonly attribute of your input. Perhaps you want to combine them if your readonly expression does not change after your directive/controller first load :


    With this you prevent angularjs to watch your expression so it's a performance gain.