Trying to use Super Dev mode with a GWT 2.1.5 project.
I have configured Super dev mode (it works) I can see the sources in Javascript debugger, can use breakpoints, however I cannot evaluate variables at execution time.
Is there any trick to have Google Chrome's javascript debugger not trip on local variables evaluation ? Do I need to find another name for the variable (the actual name of the variable, not the name that is in the sources ?) for evaluation ?
See below.
edit: actually I think I have found part of the answer in GWT's official page. "When inspecting variables in the Chrome debugger, the field names and values are JavaScript, not Java.". I have no idea where those names can be seen, though, any help ?
I think it might be related to this question Why does Chrome debugger think closed local variable is undefined?
It is incredibly annoying for debugging purposes though, and any means to circumvent it would be welcome.