i have an xls with text in different languages, which include also german, greek, and so on.
I have to copy these texts to a html file.
The resulting text is not shown as expected, with special characters, like umlauts or greek characters.
For example: i have a cell with the word "öko"
Using something like:(to read)
test = Cells("36", "D").Value
and(to write):
fso.WriteLine ("<title>" & StrConv(test, vbUnicode) & "</title>")
what i see as title in the html file is ??k?o?.
Do i have to install or configure something in my system?
Thanks in advance
I think you missed a parameter in your OpenTextFile call. If the fourth parameter is -1, then it is Unicode.
Have a look at https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/314cz14s(v=vs.84).aspx