Here is my code:
func deneme() {
var buttons: [UIButton] = [buttonA,buttonB,buttonC,buttonD,buttonE]
let randomNumber = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(buttons.count)))
let button = buttons.remove(at: randomNumber)
if button.titleLabel?.text == cevapLabel.text {
else {
button.isHidden = true
I want to use these codes in if statement. if swift had goto, i could write a code like:
var buttons: [UIButton] = [buttonA,buttonB,buttonC,buttonD,buttonE]
let randomNumber = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(buttons.count)))
let button = buttons.remove(at: randomNumber)
if button.titleLabel?.text == cevapLabel.text {
goto A
else {
button.isHidden = true
purpose of code: hiding buttons. If the text of the buttons in the array is the equal to cevapLabel.text, the random code should restart.
You can use repeat-while
var buttons: [UIButton] = [buttonA,buttonB,buttonC,buttonD,buttonE]
var currentButton: UIButton?
repeat {
let randomNumber = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(buttons.count)))
currentButton = buttons.remove(at: randomNumber)
} while currentButton?.titleLabel?.text == cevapLabel.text
currentButton?.isHidden = true