I did not find how to make use of add parameter when we use DB-sql commands in the process of using run stored procedure in AA client widget. I used the parameter but could not find where to assign value to this parameter in the wizard. Please share an example if possible with snapshot.
Thanks in Advance
Stored Procedure:
@p1 VARCHAR(50),
@p2 INT
Option (1) You can take database command and select “Run Stored Procedure” In procedure name you can pass parameter as variable like this
a1 and a2 are variables added in variable manager. (right side menu of client editor widget)
If param1 value is integer you can pass it like sp1($param1$,'$param2$').
For string parameter you need to put single quote.
Image for option (1) ($a1$ is variable, 2 is fix integer value: p1 will get value of a1, p2 will get 2)
Option (2)
Another option to provide static value in stored procedure, select Add Parameter option
Procedure Name: sp1
Add Parameter(s)
Enter parameter value (Value of param1) and type and click on Add.
Image for option (2) (p1 will get test123, p2 will get 1)