I am trying to write a code that will take a list of titles/names, and create a tab for each one of them, with each worksheet having a name from the list. For example, given a table on the ActiveSheet (might not necessarily be sheet1)
Metric | Comments | Title
1 | testing1 | This is Metric1
2 | testing2 | This is Metric2
I'd like to add 2 worksheets after the ActiveSheet with the names "This is Metric1" and "This is Metric2", respectively (ideally, I'd like to populate cell A1 of each of the new worksheets with "testing1" and "testing2", respectively, as well- gotta walk before we can run though). I'm still relatively new to VBA, so please bare with my faulty code- this is what I've tried so far:
Sub test_tableTOtabs()
Dim fr As Integer
Dim lr As Integer
Dim col As String
fr = Application.InputBox("Starting row of data: ", , 2)
lr = Application.InputBox("Last row of data: ")
col = Application.InputBox("Column for Tab titles: ")
Dim BaseSheet As Worksheet
Set BaseSheet = ActiveSheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim TitleCell As String
Dim title As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
For i = fr To lr
Set TitleCell = col & CStr(i)
title = ActiveSheet.Range("TitleCell").Value
Set ws = Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count))
ws.Name = title
End Sub
I know that I am probably overcomplicating this, but I'm not sure how to get this done- please help!
your code had two main (and opposite!) flaws
use of a string
with the name of a variable instead of the variable itself
title = ActiveSheet.Range("TitleCell").Value
should be
title = ActiveSheet.Range(TitleCell).Value
because "TitleCell"
is just a string while TitleCell
is a reference to a variable named after "TitleCell"
use of a variable instead of the of a string
with the name of the variable itself
should be
since Worksheets
needs a string with the name of the worksheet to reference
since BaseSheet
is already a worksheet object reference itself
and then some minor flaws
Set ws = Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count))
you most probably wanted to add new sheets at the end of your workbook
then you have to use
Set ws = Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
because Worksheets.Count
counts the items in the Worksheets
collections, which doesn't include any Chart
while Sheets.Count
counts the items in the Sheets
collections, which include both Worksheet
and Chart
weak use of Application.InputBox()
fr = Application.InputBox("Starting row of data: ", , 2)
lr = Application.InputBox("Last row of data: ")
col = Application.InputBox("Column for Tab titles: ")
you are not using a very handy feature of Application.InputBox()
function which is the possibility of specifying theType
of the value the user has to input
so you'd better use
fr = Application.InputBox("Starting row of data: ", Default:=2, Type:=1)' force a "numeric" user input
lr = Application.InputBox("Last row of data: ", , Default:=2, Type:=1)' force a "numeric" user input
col = Application.InputBox("Column for Tab titles: ", Default:="C", Type:=2)' force a "string" user input
where this latter is fairly important to your code which would subsequently use
TitleCell = col & CStr(i)
title = ActiveSheet.Range(TitleCell).value
i.e. it's assuming that col
is a string column index and not a numeric one
use of Activate/Active/Select/Selection
coding pattern
this is considered bad practice and you should use fully qualified range references to get full control of what your code is doing (it's quite easy to lose the actual "active" sheet when the code gets a little longer and/or you let the user do some sheet switching - like with Application.InputBox()
) and improve code efficiency (no screen flickering)
so you may consider the following refactoring of your code (explanations in comments)
Sub test_tableTOtabs()
Dim fr As Long, lr As Long
Dim col As String
Dim cell As Range
fr = Application.InputBox("Starting row of data: ", Default:=2, Type:=1) 'force "numeric" user input
With Worksheets("myBaseSheetName") ' reference your "base" sheet (change "myBaseSheetName" with the name of your actual "base" sheet)
lr = Application.InputBox("Last row of data: ", , Default:=.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, Type:=1) 'force "numeric" user input and give him referenced sheet column A last not empty row indeex as default
col = Application.InputBox("Column for Tab titles: ", Default:=Split(Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Address, "$")(1), Type:=2) 'force "string" user input and give him referenced sheet row 1 last not empty column name as default
For Each cell In Intersect(.Range(col & ":" & col), .Rows(fr & ":" & lr)) ' loop through referenced sheet column 'col' rows from 'fr' to 'lr'
With Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)) ' add and reference a new sheet at the end of the workbook
.Name = cell.value ' rename referenced sheet after current cell value
.Range("A1").value = cell.Offset(, -1) ' fill referenced sheet cell A1 with the content of the cell one column right of the current one
End With
End With
End Sub