This code doesn't compile:
data Foo = A String | B (List Foo)
Eq Foo where
(==) (A x) (A y) = x == y
(==) (B xs) (B ys) = xs == ys
(==) _ _ = False
It yields the following error:
Type checking ./eq.idr eq.idr:11:3-27: | 11 | (==) (A x) (A y) = x == y | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prelude.Interfaces.Main.Foo implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Eq, method == is possibly not total due to recursive path Prelude.Interfaces.Main.Foo implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Eq, method == --> Prelude.Interfaces.Main.Foo implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Eq, method ==
So is the problem here that we're relying on Eq Foo
in its implementation, hence the recursive path? That doesn't seem to explain it, because this compiles:
data Bar = C String | D Bar
Eq Bar where
(==) (C x) (C y) = x == y
(==) (D x) (D y) = x == y
(==) _ _ = False
So - I can have recursive calls to ==
on whatever I'm defining the implementation on, but I can't to lists of it? Am I missing a trick to make this work, or am I trying to do something that's fundamentally broken somewhere?
The function that decides equality needs to be implemented in terms of mutual recursion, just as Foo
itself is defined by mutual recursion.
Eq Foo where
(==) = eq
where mutual -- massive indentation necessary
eq : Foo -> Foo -> Bool
eq (A l) (A r) = l == r
eq (B l) (B r) = eq1 l r
eq _ _ = False
eq1 : List Foo -> List Foo -> Bool
eq1 (l :: ls) (r :: rs) = eq l r && eq1 ls rs
eq1 [] [] = True
eq1 _ _ = False
You can't reuse List
's own (==)
, but it is possible to factor out a pattern.
zipWithFoldrElem : (ls : List a) -> (rs : List a) -> ((l : a) -> (r : a) -> Elem (l, r) (zip ls rs) -> b) -> (b -> Lazy b -> b) -> b -> b -> b -> b
zipWithFoldrElem [] [] _ _ e _ _ = e
zipWithFoldrElem [] (_ :: _) _ _ _ el _ = el
zipWithFoldrElem (_ :: _) [] _ _ _ _ er = er
zipWithFoldrElem (l :: ls) (r :: rs) f g e el er = f l r Here `g` zipWithFoldLazyElem ls rs (\l, r, e => f l r (There e)) g e el er
Eq Foo where
(A l) == (A r) = l == r
(B l) == (B r) = zipWithFoldrElem l r (f l r) (&&) True False False
where f : (ls : List Foo) -> (rs : List Foo) -> (l : Foo) -> (r : Foo) -> Elem (l, r) (zip ls rs) -> Bool
f (l :: _) (r :: _) l r Here = l == r
f (_ :: ls) (_ :: rs) l r (There e) = f ls rs l r e
f [] [] _ _ _ impossible
_ == _ = False
And, for show, here's a lexicographic Ord
Ord Foo where
compare (A l) (A r) = l `compare` r
compare (B l) (B r) = zipWithFoldrElem l r (f l r) thenCompare EQ LT GT
where f : (ls : List Foo) -> (rs : List Foo) -> (l : Foo) -> (r : Foo) -> Elem (l, r) (zip ls rs) -> Ordering
f (l :: _) (r :: _) l r Here = l `compare` r
f (_ :: ls) (_ :: rs) l r (There e) = f ls rs l r e
f [] [] _ _ _ impossible
compare (A _) (B _) = LT
compare (B _) (A _) = GT