Wrap the long lines in the given text to the given length. Example:
'To be or not to be-that is the question', 5 =>
To be
to be
This might help
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20431801/word-wrapping-with-regular-expressions/20434776#20434776
# MS-Windows "Notepad.exe Word Wrap" simulation
# ( N = 16 )
# ------------------
# Trims optional non-linebreak whitespace
# external to the viewport
# ============================
# Find: @"(?:(?:(?>(.{1,16})(?:(?<=[^\S\r\n])[^\S\r\n]?|(?<=[,.;:!/?])|(?=\r?\n|[-#%&*@_])|[^\S\r\n]))|(.{1,16}))(?:\r?\n)?|(?:\r?\n))"
# Replace: @"$1$2\r\n"
# Flags: Global
# Note - Through trial and error discovery, it apparears Notepad accepts an extra whitespace
# (possibly in the N+1 position) to help alignment. This matters not because thier viewport hides it.
# There is no trimming of any whitespace, so the wrapped buffer could be reconstituted by inserting/detecting a
# wrap point code which is different than a linebreak.
# This regex works on un-wrapped source, but could probably be adjusted to produce/work on wrapped buffer text.
# To reconstitute the source all that is needed is to remove the wrap code which is probably just an extra "\r".
# -- Words/Characters
(?> # Atomic Group - Match words with valid breaks
( .{1,16} ) # (1), 1-N characters
# Followed by one of 4 prioritized, non-linebreak whitespace
(?: # break types:
(?<= [^\S\r\n] ) # 1. - Behind a non-linebreak whitespace
[^\S\r\n]? # ( optionally accept an extra non-linebreak whitespace )
| (?<= [,.;:!/?] ) # 2. - Behind sepcial punctuation breaks
| (?= # 3. - Ahead a linebreak or special punctuation breaks
\r? \n
| [-#%&*@_]
| [^\S\r\n] # 4. - Accept an extra non-linebreak whitespace
) # End atomic group
( .{1,16} ) # (2), No valid word breaks, just break on the N'th character
(?: \r? \n )? # Optional linebreak after Words/Characters
# -- Or, Linebreak
(?: \r? \n ) # Stand alone linebreak