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Forked a repo. The master added commits. How do I fetch those additions?

So, I recently started contributing to Open Source projects on Github. Until now, I was just putting my own personal projects up there.

Now, I forked a repo of an org that I found interesting. But, I see that that org has added commits to the master. I believe that my work can result in a merge conflict.

What I need help with:

  • I need to know how to pull the code that has been committed in the master branch of the org to my forked master branch.


  • You should be able to sync your fork to the original master by doing the following:

    1. Specify the original repository as a new remote upstream repo

      git remote add upstream

      You can then run git remote -v to confirm the upstream repository has been added correctly

    2. Fetch from upstream branches (master commits will be in upstream/master)

      git fetch upstream
    3. Merge the changes from the upstream master into your local master (bringing your fork in sync)

      git merge upstream/master

    For a full step by step guide please see