What would be the best way to get a good table (with kable
, for example) if I want to have a measurement and its error in the form y +- error
or y(error)
, having the usual rules for error: have 1 significant digit in error, the same number of digits in value, and so on. For instance:
and so on.
df.print<-with(df, data.frame(
x=paste0(x, "(", Delta.x, ")"),
y=paste0(y, "(", Delta.y, ")")
If I use format(x, digits=3)
x, y and their Deltas, I get different "widths", and I would like to get the same number of digits after the decimal point.
Here's a tidyverse
take on your problem, which is arguably very verbose. Some explanations:
1) The first mutate()
block rounds both Delta
columns to have one significant digit and transforms it to a character; this preserves the length.
2) The second mutate()
block rounds the "normal" x
and y
columns to have the same length as the Delta
columns. The - 2L
avoids false rounding based on the number before the .
and the .
itself in the Delta
3) The third mutate()
block first takes care of two "unusual" situations: the first if_else()
takes care of situations where the rounded y
number does not have a .
and digits, but the Delta.y
value does. The second if_else()
takes care of situations where the last digit in the rounding process is a 0
, which R
drops in rounding. Both measures are repeated for the x
4) The fourth mutate()
block adds white space at the end of the values in the x
and y
columns to make sure the error numbers are aligned.
5) The unite()
and mutate()
commands at the end merge the columns and add parantheses for the second number.
df %>%
mutate(Delta.x = signif(Delta.x, digits = 1L),
Delta.x = as.character(Delta.x),
Delta.y = signif(Delta.y, digits = 1L),
Delta.y = as.character(Delta.y)) %>%
mutate(x = round(x, digits = str_count(Delta.x) - 2L),
x = as.character(x),
y = round(y, digits = str_count(Delta.y) - 2L),
y = as.character(y)) %>%
mutate(y = if_else(condition = str_count(y, "\\.") == 0,
true = str_c(y, str_dup("0", str_count(Delta.y) - str_count(y) - 1L), sep = "."),
false = y),
y = if_else(condition = str_count(Delta.y) - str_count(y) != 0,
true = str_c(y, str_dup("0", times = str_count(Delta.y) - str_count(y))),
false = y),
x = if_else(condition = str_count(x, "\\.") == 0,
true = str_c(x, str_dup("0", str_count(Delta.x) - str_count(x) - 1L), sep = "."),
false = x),
x = if_else(condition = str_count(Delta.x) - str_count(x) != 0,
true = str_c(x, str_dup("0", times = str_count(Delta.x) - str_count(x))),
false = x)) %>%
mutate(x = if_else(condition = str_count(x) < max(str_count(x)),
true = str_c(x, str_dup(" ", times = max(str_count(x)) - str_count(x))),
false = x),
y = if_else(condition = str_count(y) < max(str_count(y)),
true = str_c(y, str_dup(" ", times = max(str_count(y)) - str_count(y))),
false = y)) %>%
unite(x, x, Delta.x, sep = " (") %>%
unite(y, y, Delta.y, sep = " (") %>%
mutate(x = str_c(x, ")"),
y = str_c(y, ")")) %>%
|x |y |
|1.0 (0.1) |0.20 (0.01) |
|0.12 (0.07) |0.8 (0.1) |
|0.71 (0.03) |0.18 (0.09) |
|0.63 (0.02) |0.805 (0.003) |
|0.27 (0.09) |0.106 (0.008) |
Additionally, you can set the global options(scipen = 999)
(or any other large number) to avoid scientific representation of numbers, e.g. 2e-5
(which in the case of your kable
should look like 0.00002
EDIT: Updated and clarified some of the commands.
I just turned it into a function. You can give either 2 vectors or 1 data.frame with two columns. It still lacks support for scientific notation (1.05 10^9 for example) but it is ok to start.
scinumber <- function(df=NULL, x, Delta.x){
if (is.null(df)) {
df <- data.frame(
x = x,
Delta.x = Delta.x
} else {
colnames(df)[colnames(df)==x] <- "x"
colnames(df)[colnames(df)==Delta.x] <- "Delta.x"
options(scipen = 999)
output <-
df %>%
mutate(Delta.x = signif(Delta.x, digits = 1L),
Delta.x = as.character(Delta.x)) %>%
mutate(x = round(x, digits = str_count(Delta.x) - 2L),
x = as.character(x)
) %>%
mutate(x = if_else(condition = str_count(x, "\\.") == 0,
true = str_c(x, str_dup("0", str_count(Delta.x) - str_count(x) - 1L), sep = "."),
false = x),
x = if_else(condition = str_count(Delta.x) - str_count(x) != 0,
true = str_c(x, str_dup("0", times = str_count(Delta.x) - str_count(x))),
false = x)) %>%
mutate(x = if_else(condition = str_count(x) < max(str_count(x)),
true = str_c(x, str_dup(" ", times = max(str_count(x)) - str_count(x))),
false = x)) %>%
unite(x, x, Delta.x, sep = " (") %>%
mutate(x = str_c(x, ")"))