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Menubar app with NSWindowController

I'm currently trying to build a menubar app. Therefore I need a NSWindowController for an login field. It must be possible to open this NSWindowController when pressing a menu item and also close that window when the user clicked on cancel.

I used showWindow(self) and NSApp.hide(self) but this didn’t work for me. So has anyone an idea what I can try?


  • Assuming you are using Storyboard

    • Add an NSWindowController to the storyboard and uncheck visible at launch of the window.
    • In AppDelegate create a property windowController

      var windowController : NSWindowController!
    • In AppDelegate create an IBAction.

    • In the action get the main storyboard with

      let mainStoryBoard = NSStoryboard(name: NSStoryboard.Name(rawValue: "Main"), bundle: nil)
    • Then instantiate and assign the window controller (the identifier must match the storyboard identifier)

      windowController = mainStoryBoard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier(rawValue: "Login")) as! NSWindowController
    • Get the associated view controller (LoginController is the custom class of the view controller)

      let loginController = windowController.window!.contentViewController as! LoginController
    • Show the main window

    • In Interface Builder connect the NSMenuItem to First Responder (red cube) and then to the created IBAction.

    You can close the window either with the red close button or you need to add custom logic.

    If you use a XIB create an NSWindowController subclass and load the XIB with windowController = MyWindowController(window: nil), activate your app with NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true) get the associated window with let controllerWindow = windowController.window! and show the window with controllerWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront(self)