I have a list set up like this in Python (via Ren'Py):
[('nc',nc,'test test test'),('nr',nr,'test test test')]
The 'nr' is a string, naturally, and the nr (without the quotes) is an object. The last bit is a string.
Now, what I would like to be able to do, is compare the whole tuple in an if.
Something like this:
if (char,charobj,message) not in list:
#do stuff
This does not work - it still does stuff regardless. So... how do I compare all of the items to each of the tuples in the list?
I guess that you charobj
may be a class you implemented yourself.
To allow Python to perform a meaningful equality comparison an not just a blind comparison, you have to overload the default methods for that like :
__eq__(self, other)
__gt__(self, other)
__lt__(self, other)
More information there : https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#special-method-names
Anyway, I made some tests and it works fine with literal and built-in types. I am using Python 2.7 on Windows 10 (x64).
nr = 4
nc = 2
list = [('nc',nc,'test test test'),('nr',nr,'test test test')]
if ('nc', 2, 'test test test') in list:
actually prints OK
I tried with not in
, it prints KO
I also tried to replace the literals with variables and it seems to work too.
nr = 4
nc = 2
list = [('nc',nc,'test test test'),('nr',nr,'test test test')]
_nc = 'nc'
_message = 'test test test'
if (_nc, nc, _message) in list:
also prints OK
Hope that helps.