I want to improve the performance of a program by replacing some of the mutexes with spinlocks. I have found a spinlock implementation in
which I intend to reuse. I believe this implementation is safer than simpler implementations in which threads keep trying forever like the one found here
But i need to clarify some things on the yield function found here
First of all I can assume that the numbers 4,16,32 are arbitrary. I actually tested some other values and I have found that I got best performance in my case by using other values.
But can someone explain the reasoning behind the yield code. Specifically why do we need all three
and nanosleep
Yes, this concept is known as "adaptive spinlock" - see e.g. https://lwn.net/Articles/271817/.
Usually the numbers are chosen for exponential back-off: https://geidav.wordpress.com/tag/exponential-back-off/
So, the numbers aren't arbitrary. However, which "numbers" work for your case depend on your application patterns, requirements and system resources.
The three methods to introduce "micro-delays" are designed explicitly to balance the cost and the potential gain:
might allow the OS to avoid a context switch depending on other system load (e.g. if the number of threads < number logical cores)The trade-offs with these are important for low-latency applications where the effect of a context switch or cache misses are significant.
All trade-offs try to find a balance between wasting CPU cycles and losing cache/thread efficiency.