I am designing a page in which informs a manager whether an applicant requires a work permit. For this I have created a data table called "Countries" that contains a string field "countries" and a boolean "EU_member". If the country is a member of the European Union the boolean is true and vice-versa.
I have set up a dropdown field in the page from which the manager can select the country. I now want to bind a label to the boolean field, so that it shows whether the country is part of the European Union or not. Right now, it is only bound to the country field.
My second idea was to include a server script that is triggered by the onValueEdit method of the dropdown field
function checkWorkPermit(widgetValue) {
var query = app.models.Countries.newQuery();
query.filters.country._equals = widgetValue;
var records = query.run();
return records[0].EU_Member;
but the console returns
checkWorkPermit is not defined at ....Panel8.Dropdown1.onValueEdit:1:1
Considering, that the dropdown's options
property is bound to smth like this:
binding for the label could look similar to this:
@pages.MyPage.descendants.CountriesDropDown.value.EU_member ?
'Work permit is required' :
'Work permit is NOT required'