I've retrieved the field names of a table by giving the table name directly (INS_TEST is the name of my table). I used columns _Field-Name, _Data-Type of the _Field system table and retrieved the field names and their data types.
I want to use the retrieved field names and insert field values into those fields.
FOR EACH _File WHERE _File-Name = "INS_TEST":
FOR EACH _Field WHERE _File-Recid = RECID(_File):
DISPLAY _Field._Field-Name.
DISPLAY _Field._Data-Type.
ASSIGN _File._File-Name._Field._Field-Name = 1 WHEN (_Field._Data-Type EQ "INTEGER").
But the ASSIGN statement gives an error. Suggestions please!
The following procedure takes a table name, a field name and a character value as parameters. It will update the field in question in the first record of that table with the value provided.
Obviously you could write a more sophisticated WHERE clause and do other things to fancy it up for your specific needs.
procedure x:
define input parameter tbl as character no-undo.
define input parameter fld as character no-undo.
define input parameter xyz as character no-undo.
define variable qh as handle no-undo.
define variable bh as handle no-undo.
define variable fh as handle no-undo.
create buffer bh for table tbl.
create query qh.
qh:set-buffers( bh ).
qh:query-prepare( "for each " + tbl ).
do transaction:
qh:get-first( exclusive-lock ).
fh = bh:buffer-field( fld ).
display fh:buffer-value.
fh:buffer-value = xyz.
delete object bh.
delete object qh.
run x ( "customer", "name", "fred" ).
/* prove that we really did change it...
find first customer no-lock.
display name.