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Tidyquant package and tibble financial information access

I am currently running the following code in order to extract from the quantmod package some financial information.


symbols <- c("HOG", "GOOG", "GE")
tickers <- new.env()
lapply(symbols, getFinancials, env=tickers)
BS <- data.frame(lapply(tickers, function(x) {viewFinancials(x, type= 'BS', period = 'A')}))
IS <- data.frame(lapply(tickers, function(x) {viewFinancials(x, type= 'IS', period = 'A')}))
CF <- data.frame(lapply(tickers, function(x) {viewFinancials(x, type= 'CF', period = 'A')}))

df <- rbind(BS, IS, CF)
df <- t(df)

Which is a little messy but from here I can clean the data and proceed with some calculations. However I want to know if there is a more efficient way using the tidyquant package as I would like to run this over many ticker symbols and it is currently breaking when the quantmod package cannot download/find the financial information for a particular ticker.

I am working with;


    symbols <- c("HOG", "GOOG", "GE")

    stock_financials <- symbols %>%
      tq_get(get = "financials")

I can see that the data is a tibble within a tibble but how is it possible to extract the information as before, or how can I more easily access the tibble data for stock_financials$annual?

Modifying and using

filter(stock_financials, type == "BS") %>% unnest()

From this answer does not seem to work for me.


  • Here's a simple solution with gather and unnest from the tidyr package. Once you do the gather() and unnest() combo you can then filter to whatever section and the combination of symbols you want.

    > library(tidyquant)
    > library(dplyr)
    > symbols <- c("HOG", "GOOG", "GE")
    > stock_financials <- symbols %>%
    +     tq_get(get = "financials")
    > stock_financials
    # A tibble: 9 x 4
      symbol type  annual             quarter           
      <chr>  <chr> <list>             <list>            
    1 HOG    BS    <tibble [168 x 4]> <tibble [210 x 4]>
    2 HOG    CF    <tibble [76 x 4]>  <tibble [76 x 4]> 
    3 HOG    IS    <tibble [196 x 4]> <tibble [245 x 4]>
    4 GOOG   BS    <tibble [168 x 4]> <tibble [210 x 4]>
    5 GOOG   CF    <tibble [76 x 4]>  <tibble [76 x 4]> 
    6 GOOG   IS    <tibble [196 x 4]> <tibble [245 x 4]>
    7 GE     BS    <tibble [168 x 4]> <tibble [210 x 4]>
    8 GE     CF    <tibble [76 x 4]>  <tibble [76 x 4]> 
    9 GE     IS    <tibble [196 x 4]> <tibble [245 x 4]>
    > stock_financials %>%
    +     gather(key = "key", value = "value", annual, quarter) %>%
    +     unnest()
    # A tibble: 2,913 x 7
       symbol type  key    group category                        date        value
       <chr>  <chr> <chr>  <int> <chr>                           <date>      <dbl>
     1 HOG    BS    annual     1 Cash & Equivalents              2017-12-31 688.  
     2 HOG    BS    annual     1 Cash & Equivalents              2016-12-31 760.  
     3 HOG    BS    annual     1 Cash & Equivalents              2015-12-31 722.  
     4 HOG    BS    annual     1 Cash & Equivalents              2014-12-31 907.  
     5 HOG    BS    annual     2 Short Term Investments          2017-12-31   0.  
     6 HOG    BS    annual     2 Short Term Investments          2016-12-31   5.52
     7 HOG    BS    annual     2 Short Term Investments          2015-12-31  45.2 
     8 HOG    BS    annual     2 Short Term Investments          2014-12-31  57.3 
     9 HOG    BS    annual     3 Cash and Short Term Investments 2017-12-31 688.  
    10 HOG    BS    annual     3 Cash and Short Term Investments 2016-12-31 766.  
    # ... with 2,903 more rows