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How to find if Joomla SEF is on or not

I need to find if Joomla's SEF is enabled or not.

To make things worse, Joomla has different SEF mechanisms (see here for more info).

The function I need to fill in is simple:

function rewrite_enabled(){
    return (boolean)$something; // typecast is frivolous

The only idea I have so far is:

function rewrite_enabled(){
    return JRoute($url)!=$url;

Maybe normalizing both URLs (lowercase or by get vars) might make the function a little bit more effective, though it sounds like a big hack, with serious repercussions.

Of course, searched for an answer on Joomla Docs, StackOverflow and Google, without any success. I also inspected Joomla's runtime internals, and but nothing came up.


  • When using Joomla's Core SEF System you could get yourself the config and check if SEF is set to true.

    $conf = &JFactory::getConfig();
    echo ' SEF is:  '.(($conf->sef == 1) ? 'on' : 'off'); 

    (not tested)

    Hope it helps a bit. Cheers

    For Joomla 3.x you will need:

    $conf = &JFactory::getConfig();
    echo ' SEF is:  '.(($conf->get('sef') == 1) ? 'on' : 'off');