I have a vector that has elements like this:
x <- c("3434/1233", "3434.332/232.2", "220.23/932.89", "908.11111/9")
I want to replace the numbers after slash with their value multiplied by 60.
So the resulting vector will be:
x.times.sixty <- c("3434/73980", "3434.332/13932", "220.23/55973.4", "908.11111/540")
How can I do this?
I have tried the following which does not work:
gsub(x = x, pattern = "/(.*)", replacement = as.numeric('\\1' * 60))
Also this one:
gsub(x = x, pattern = "/(.*)", replacement = '\\1 * 60')
We can do the multiplication using gsubfn
. Capture the numbers including the decimals at the end of the string (([0-9.]+$)
), convert it to numeric and multiply by 60
gsubfn("([0-9.]+$)", ~ as.numeric(x)*60, x)
#[1] "3434/73980" "3434.332/13932" "220.23/55973.4" "908.11111/540"
Or to follow the conditions correctly
gsubfn("\\/([0-9.]+$)", ~ paste0("/", as.numeric(x)*60), x)
#[1] "3434/73980" "3434.332/13932" "220.23/55973.4" "908.11111/540"