In SUMO, while converting OSM file to SUMO compatible road network using DUAROUTER we can pass --routing.algorithm parameter to use one of these (default is Dijkstra).
In veins demo app there is a logic to simulate accident and vehicles reroute on receiving warning message. I'm trying to understand how rerouting is working there. This post says re-routing is dynamic and here is some more explanation of the scenario.
My question is while rerouting which routing algorithm veins uses? Is it the same using which road network is created? If I have to chechk behavior of different routing algorithms under same conditions, do I need to create same road network using different values for --routing.algorithm ?
The short answer to your question at the end is yes.
As far as I know, the routing you're referring to is all in SUMO, which is the default used by VEINS. As soon as you make changes to the routing behavior at run time, VEINS essentially takes over and tells SUMO how to route its vehicles. What this means for your project is that you either implement the routing completely in advance (i.e., independent of the code in VEINS) in SUMO, or you implement some re-routing algorithm that is completely in VEINS. SUMO can't do dynamic re-routing based on application knowledge, because SUMO isn't aware of this information, since SUMO is built independent of any vehicular communication system.