I am trying to update document's sub document like below lines of code
$bulkbatch = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite(['ordered' => true]);
$subDocumentStatus = array(
"Status" => array(
"CurrentStatus" => $this->EmployeeStatus,
"StatusDate" => new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime(strtotime($this->EmployeeStatusDate)*1000),
"IsActive" => $IsActive
'_id' => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID($this->id)
'$addToSet' => $subDocumentStatus
'multi' => true,
'upsert' => false
$this->manager->executeBulkWrite($this->collection, $bulkbatch);
I have document like
"EmployeeNumber": "123456",
"Instructor": NumberInt(1),
"Department": ObjectId("5a8173e6d2ccda13240015a4"),
"FirstName": "Faiza",
"MiddleName": "Yousuf",
"Status": [
"CurrentStatus": "Joined",
"StatusDate": ISODate("2018-02-28T23:00:00.0Z"),
"IsActive": NumberInt(1)
If $this->EmployeeStatus contains "Joined" and $this->EmployeeStatusDate contains some different values like for above document it contains "2019-05-28T23:00:00.0Z" (other than previous value) then it should be updated.
The above code is inserting another sub document with values like
"Status": [
"CurrentStatus": "Joined",
"StatusDate": ISODate("2018-02-28T23:00:00.0Z"),
"IsActive": NumberInt(1)
"CurrentStatus": "Joined",
"StatusDate": ISODate("2019-05-28T23:00:00.0Z"),
"IsActive": NumberInt(1)
I want that in the case of Joined the existing sub document should be updated.
Please help!!!
There is a solution with two Mongo calls; first tries to update an existing sub-document; if no sub-document is modified then one is inserted in the main document.
Here is a unit-test that proves the solution works (the main function is updateOrInsert
require_once __DIR__ . '/MongoTestHelper.php';
use MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID;
use MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime;
use tests\Dudulina\MongoTestHelper;
class TmpTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
/** @var \MongoDB\Collection */
private $collection;
/** @var ObjectID */
private $_id;
public function test_subdocumentExists()
$statusDate = new UTCDateTime(strtotime("2018-02-28T23:00:00.0Z"));
$employeeStatus = "Joined";
* Test data
"_id" => $this->_id,
"EmployeeNumber" => "123456",
"Instructor" => 1,
"Department" => new ObjectID("5a8173e6d2ccda13240015a4"),
"FirstName" => "Faiza",
"MiddleName" => "Yousuf",
"Status" => [
"CurrentStatus" => $employeeStatus,
"StatusDate" => $statusDate,
"IsActive" => 1,
* the real test
$this->updateOrInsert($employeeStatus, $statusDate, 0);
* we verify the execution
$document = $this->collection->findOne([
"_id" => $this->_id,
$this->assertCount(1, $document['Status']);
$this->assertSame(0, $document['Status'][0]['IsActive']);
public function test_subdocumentDoesNotExists()
$statusDate = new UTCDateTime(strtotime("2018-02-28T23:00:00.0Z"));
$employeeStatus = "Joined";
* we insert some test data
"_id" => $this->_id,
"EmployeeNumber" => "123456",
"Instructor" => 1,
"Department" => new ObjectID("5a8173e6d2ccda13240015a4"),
"FirstName" => "Faiza",
"MiddleName" => "Yousuf",
"Status" => [
"CurrentStatus" => 'SomeOtherStatus',
"StatusDate" => new UTCDateTime(strtotime("2010-02-28T23:00:00.0Z")),
"IsActive" => 1,
* the real test
$this->updateOrInsert($employeeStatus, $statusDate, 0);
* we verify the execution
$document = $this->collection->findOne([
"_id" => $this->_id,
* now there are 2 subdocuments inserted
$this->assertCount(2, $document['Status']);
* we verify the second document
$secondSubDocument = $document['Status'][1];
$this->assertSame(0, $secondSubDocument['IsActive']);
$this->assertSame('Joined', $secondSubDocument['CurrentStatus']);
$this->assertTrue($statusDate->toDateTime()->getTimestamp() === $secondSubDocument['StatusDate']->toDateTime()->getTimestamp());
* The function that you should do
private function updateOrInsert($employeeStatus, $statusDate, $isActive)
$updateResult = $this->collection->updateOne([
"_id" => $this->_id,
"Status.CurrentStatus" => $employeeStatus,
"StatusDate" => ['$ne' => $statusDate],
], [
'$set' => [
'Status.$.StatusDate' => $statusDate,
'Status.$.IsActive' => $isActive,
], [
'upsert' => false,
if ($updateResult->getModifiedCount() === 0) {
"_id" => $this->_id,
], [
'$addToSet' => [
'Status' => [
"CurrentStatus" => $employeeStatus,
"StatusDate" => $statusDate,
"IsActive" => $isActive,
], [
'upsert' => false,
protected function setUp()
$this->collection = (new MongoTestHelper())->selectCollection('eventStore');
$this->_id = new ObjectID('47ecbc36e8fb4b50662adcf9');