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Does Rust protect me from iterator invalidation when pushing to a vector while iterating over it?

Does Rust protect me from iterator invalidation here or am I just lucky with realloc? What guarantees are given for an iterator returned for &'a Vec<T>?

fn main() {
    let mut v = vec![0; 2];

    println!("capacity: {}", v.capacity());

        let v_ref = &mut v;
        for _each in v_ref.clone() {
            for _ in 0..101 {
                (*v_ref).push(1); // ?

    println!("capacity: {}", v.capacity());


  • In Rust, most methods take an &self - a reference to self. In most circumstances, a call like some_string.len() internally "expands" to something like this:

    let a: String = "abc".to_string();
    let a_len: usize = String::len(&a); // This is identical to calling `a.len()`.

    However, consider a reference to an object: a_ref, which is an &String that references a. Rust is smart enough to determine whether a reference needs to be added or removed, like we saw above (a becomes &a); In this case, a_ref.len() expands to:

    let a: String = "abc".to_string();
    let a_ref: &String = &a;
    let a_len: usize = String::len(a_ref); // This is identical to calling `a_ref.len();`. Since `a_ref` is a reference already, it doesn't need to be altered.

    Notice that this is basically equivalent to the original example, except that we're using an explicitly-set reference to a rather than a directly.

    This means that v.clone() expands to Vec::clone(&v), and similarly, v_ref.clone() expands to Vec::clone(v_ref), and since v_refis &v (or, specifically, &mut v), we can simplify this back into Vec::clone(&v). In other words, these calls are equivalent - calling clone() on a basic reference (&) to an object does not clone the reference, it clones the referenced object.

    In other words, Tamas Hedgeus' comment is correct: You are iterating over a new vector, which contains elements that are clones of the elements in v. The item being iterated over in your for loop is not a &Vec, it's a Vec that is separate from v, and therefore iterator invalidation is not an issue.

    As for your question about the guarantees Rust provides, you'll find that Rust's borrow checker handles this rather well without any strings attached.

    If you were to remove clone() from the for loop, though, you would receive an error message, use of moved value: '*v_ref', because v_ref is considered 'moved' into the for loop when you iterate over it, and cannot be used for the remainder of the function; to avoid this, the iter function creates an iterator object that only borrows the vector, allowing you to reuse the vector after the loop ends (and the iterator is dropped). And if you were to try iterating over and mutating v without the v_ref abstraction, the error reads cannot borrow 'v' as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable. v is borrowed immutably within the iterator spawned by v.iter() (which has type signature of fn iter(&self) -> Iter<T> - note, it makes a borrow to the vector), and will not allow you to mutate the vector as a result of Rust's borrow checker, until the iterator is dropped (at the end of the for loop). However, since you can have multiple immutable references to a single object, you can still read from the vector within the for loop, just not write into it.

    If you need to mutate an element of a vector while iterating over the vector, you can use iter_mut, which returns mutable references to one element at a time and lets you change that element only. You still cannot mutate the iterated vector itself with iter_mut, because Rust ensures that there is only one mutable reference to an object at a time, as well as ensuring there are no mutable references to an object in the same scope as immutable references to that object.