I NEED TO SUM numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
by using loop in 8086 assembly. Here my attempt:
MOV AX,01h
MOV CX,0ah
inc AX
You will need a container of some kind to store your sum into. You can choose the register DX
for that.
First make sure to empty this register before starting the loop.
Then on each iteration of the loop you add
the current value of AX
to this register DX
mov ax, 1
mov cx, 10
xor dx, dx ;This puts zero in DX
add dx, ax ;This adds int turn 1, 2, 3, ... ,10 to DX
inc ax
loop Label1
Not sure if you're required to use the loop
instruction, but an alternative loop uses AX
for its loop control.
mov ax, 1
cwd ;This puts zero in DX because AX holds a positive number
add dx, ax ;This adds in turn 1, 2, 3, ... ,10 to DX
inc ax
cmp ax, 10
jbe Label1
A somewhat better loop adds the numbers from high to low. This way the cmp
instruction is no longer needed.
mov ax, 10
cwd ;This puts zero in DX because AX holds a positive number
add dx, ax ;This adds in turn 10, 9, 8, ... ,1 to DX
dec ax
jnz Label1