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Postgresql, using Copy function to export results to XML file

I have written some SQL functions which output XML results. Since the output size is big, I need to write them directly to a xml file. To this I'm using COPY function as follows:

COPY(SELECT generate_xml_file()) TO '/Users/TEMP/test.xml'  

But the problem with this is, then generated file has \n character at the end of every tag. I tried to use the following options to eliminate '\n' but it didn't work:

 COPY(SELECT generate_xml_file()) TO '/Users/TEMP/test.xml' WITH NULL AS ' '

Is there any facility provided in Postgresql to get this done?


  • the \n is for new line, not null. If you use default tsv mode - each new line is represented as \n to distinguish difference between new line and new row, eg:

    t=# copy(select query_to_xml('select datname,null blah from pg_database limit 2',false,true,'')) to stdout;
    <row xmlns:xsi="">\n  <datname>postgres</datname>\n</row>\n\n<row xmlns:xsi="">\n  <datname>t</datname>\n</row>\n\n

    So simply csv option will rescue you, eg:

    t=# copy(select query_to_xml('select datname,null blah from pg_database limit 2',false,true,'')) to stdout csv;
    "<row xmlns:xsi="""">
    <row xmlns:xsi="""">

    COPY TO will terminate each row with a Unix-style newline (“\n”).

    and so on...


    copying to stdout or file does not matter:

    t=# copy(select query_to_xml('select datname,null blah from pg_database limit 2',false,true,'')) to '/tmp/sp.xml' csv;
    COPY 1
    Time: 0.481 ms
    t=# \! cat /tmp/sp.xml
    "<row xmlns:xsi="""">
    <row xmlns:xsi="""">