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PyRun_File with recursive functions in Python C-API

I am working on embedding python interpreter in a larger system and one of the features is to run a python script on the fly.

Testing with the following code snippet works great, but with recursive function only the first call is executed then crashes

//C++ code
int main()

    PyObject* m_pMainModule = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
    PyObject* m_pGlobalDict = PyModule_GetDict(m_pMainModule);
    PyObject* m_pLocalDict = PyDict_New();

    PyObject* fd = PyFile_FromString("", "r");

    if (fd == NULL)
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "File not found");

    PyObject * s = PyRun_File(PyFile_AsFile(fd), "", Py_file_input, m_pGlobalDict, m_pLocalDict);

    if (PyErr_Occurred())
        std::string result;
        PyObject* ptype;
        PyObject* pvalue;
        PyObject* ptraceback;
        PyErr_Fetch(&ptype, &pvalue, &ptraceback);
        PyErr_NormalizeException(&ptype, &pvalue, &ptraceback); // in order to convert pvalue from tuples to real objects

                                                                //Attach exception name first
        PyObject* objectStr = PyObject_GetAttrString(ptype, "__name__");
        result = PyString_AS_STRING(objectStr);
        result = "Exception: " + result;;
        objectStr = PyObject_Str(pvalue);
        if (objectStr != NULL) {
            result = result + " was raised with error message : " + PyString_AS_STRING(objectStr);

        std::cout << result;


    return 0;

Here is the python script I use

def fac(i):
    print "Call to FAC(",i,") !"
    if i <= 1:
        return 1
        return i*fac(i-1)

print "Hello world"
print fac(4)

And here is the output

Hello world
Call to FAC( 4 ) !
Exception: NameError was raised with error message : global name 'fac' is not defined

While the expected output ( when run directly by invoking the script )

Hello world
Call to FAC( 4 ) !
Call to FAC( 3 ) !
Call to FAC( 2 ) !
Call to FAC( 1 ) !

Any ideas on how to proceed ?


Platform: Windows 10 x64 Python: 2.7.14


  • Explanation:

    In the following line, PyRun_File uses two different dictionaries; one for globals and one for locals.

    PyObject * s = PyRun_File(PyFile_AsFile(fd), "", Py_file_input, m_pGlobalDict, m_pLocalDict);

    The strange part that fac function name is added to the local one of file. I have no idea Why, But I really wanaa know.

    So the recursive call fails as there is no fac inside locals of the function or the global.


    pass the same dictionary for both local and global

    PyObject * s = PyRun_File(PyFile_AsFile(fd), "", Py_file_input, m_pGlobalDict, m_pGlobalDict);