I have a Keil project for an ARM target that I converted to a Makefile for a command line build system. I was also thinking of using cmake but I cannot find the right command/cmakey way to do the task. My Makefile converts a whole bunch of source files from different directories and creates object files out of them. Then the linker takes all these object files to make an executable taking in a bunch of flags and memory map files. So I can't just use the add_executable
command. What can be the best way to do this in cmake?
So here is what the Makefile is trying to do(basically replicating the way Keil is building the project)
OBJECT_FILES=out/abc.o out/def.o out/xyz.o
all: binary.hex
binary.hex: binary.axf
$(ELFTOHEX) $(FLAGS) binary.hex
out/binary.axf: $(OBJECT_FILES)
out/abc.o: ../../../src/modules/abc.c
ARMCC -o $@ $(FLAGS) $^
out/def.o: ../../../src/utilities/def.c
ARMCC -o $@ $(FLAGS) $^
out/xyz.o: src/xyz.c
ARMCC -o $@ $(FLAGS) $^
You can use add_library
add_library(yourlib OBJECT sources)
and then link them into executable, for instance:
add_executable(yourexe $<TARGET_OBJECTS:yourlib>)