I saw that post (that is really helpful : Take a screenshot via a python script. [Linux]) about taking a screenshot from python. It works well but I'd like to have the same behavior as gnome-screenshot : having the possibility to choose between :
Is there a way to do this in python, or, eventually, to use the gnome-screenshot application to do it, and then getting the file ?
I tried to find the perfect command line for gnome-screenshot to be launched without asking where to save the screenshot after by giving the path at the call, but I can't find it.
Thanks for your help!
If you are not limited to using using gnome-screenshot specifically, ImageMagick's import
command can save directly to file without an interactive prompt.
See here for details: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/import.php
In addition to the command line interface, there is also a Python API.