Using a bit of an unusual language, processing-py, which is a sort of python wrapper around the java processing language.
processing-py introduces many global keywords that don't need to be imported. These include functions names like loadPixels() and global variables (constants?) like 'width' (width of screen).
Sublimelinter + flake8 correctly raises F821 undefined name for these. It's not convenient to #noqa, I might as well just turn the linter off at that point. I'd also like to see when I am actually introducing a bogus keyword, such as typoing loadPixels() (good) as laodPixels() (bad).
So is there a way to add a list of exceptions for F821, or otherwise extend the dictionary of known keywords?
I'm also using a custom thTheme with the list of keywords, as part of the processing-py-sublime package.
Don't know if you ever solved your problem, but if you use SublimePythonIDE with SublimeText3, you can add a list of exceptions in either the plugin's User settings or Project settings:
In User settings, add:
"pyflakes_ignore": ["background", "ellipse", "fill", "size" ... ]
In Project settings, add to 'settings' object:
"settings": {
// Ignoring for projects
"pyflakes_ignore": ["background",