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Property of { return 60000 / bpm } always returning 600ms?

I'm trying to build a steady metronome that ticks every beat, but it seems like there is a problem.

How long the metronome waits for each beat is determined by this formula: 60000 / BPM

But, the value seems to return a specific number no matter what value you plug into BPM.

I have a property that returns the value of this formula, along with a bpm integer:

static private int bpm = 125;
static private int BeatLength
        return 60000 / bpm;

static public int beat = 0;

And here is the function that's responsible for the metronome (it runs on a dedicated thread):

public static void RhythmUpdate()
    lock (threadLock)
        while (true)
            Thread.Sleep(BeatLength); // Sleep until the next beat
            AddRequest(BeatLength * beat);

When breakpointing the def_CowBell.Play();, Visual Studio notes that it takes around 600ms to loop. This is how I know the value.

Extra Info:

  • I'm using OpenGL

  • Maybe some more if asked...

I appreciate your help in advance.


  • It turns out that I've been setting BPM on a function, and whenever I made a change to it's initialization it would be overwritten by that new BPM.

    public static void StartBeat(int startingBPM)
        rhythmThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RhythmUpdate)); // Initialize new thread
        bpm = startingBPM; // < This piece of codde was the source.
        rhythmThread.Name = "BeatThread";
        rhythmThread.Start(); // Start the thread

    For now, I'll disable that line of code when testing.