I've been trying to generate an HMAC for an API using code like so:
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte[] hmacSha256 = HmacUtils.hmacSha256(API_SECRET, "totalParams");
But when I use the string I get in my API call I receive the error:
{"code":-1100,"msg":"Illegal characters found in parameter 'signature'; legal range is '^[A-Fa-f0-9]{64}$'."}
I thought that it meant I had to convert to hex, but the hex is not working either.
I don't care about the implementation, I just want a valid signature. Anyone know how to generate a valid signature in any way?
See this answer to a similar question, and then this answer to convert your byte[]
to hex instead of using Base64.
(Short version: You've got 256 bits of hash, and the API is expecting 64 characters. Base64 gives you 44(ish), but hex should give you 64)