I am currently writing a pig Latin code and it requires all the non-letters to be ignored ie left in the same place of the word. For instance, Tom's would be om'sTay. So I deleted all non-alphabetic characters using:
word = re.sub('[^A-Za-z]', '', word)
did the pig latin code and I want to bring the non-letters back.
Not sure how to bring back the non-letters to the same place of the changed word.
In[2]: def pig_latinize(word):
...: cluster_dex = 0
...: vowels = set('AEIOUaeiou')
...: for i, char in enumerate(word, start=1):
...: if not char.isalpha() or char in vowels:
...: break
...: cluster_dex = i
...: if cluster_dex == 0:
...: suffix = 'hay'
...: elif cluster_dex == len(word):
...: cluster_dex = 1
...: suffix = 'way'
...: else:
...: suffix = 'ay'
...: return '{}{}{}'.format(word[cluster_dex:], word[:cluster_dex], suffix)
...: def pig_latin(words):
...: return ' '.join(pig_latinize(word) for word in words.split())
In[3]: pig_latin("Tom's") == "om'sTay"
Out[3]: True
In[4]: pig_latin('the ap!ple is green') == 'ethay ap!plehay ishay eengray'
Out[4]: True
In[5]: pig_latin("Kate's care") == "ate'sKay arecay"
Out[5]: True
In[6]: pig_latin('myth') == 'ythmway'
Out[6]: True
In[7]: pig_latin('cry') == 'rycway'
Out[7]: True
This shows a possible way of turning these functions into the class from the description you gave
>>> class PigLatin(object):
... VOWELS = set('AEIOUaeiou')
... def __init__(self, to_convert):
... self.convert_words(to_convert)
... def convert_words(self, to_convert):
... if not isinstance(to_convert, list):
... # if to_convert is a string, split into separate words
... to_convert = to_convert.split()
... self.pig_latin = ' '.join(
... self.p_latin_converter(word) for word in to_convert)
... def p_latin_converter(self, word):
... cluster_dex = 0
... for i, char in enumerate(word, start=1):
... if not char.isalpha() or char in self.VOWELS:
... break
... cluster_dex = i
... if cluster_dex == 0:
... suffix = 'hay'
... elif cluster_dex == len(word):
... cluster_dex = 1
... suffix = 'way'
... else:
... suffix = 'ay'
... return '{}{}{}'.format(word[cluster_dex:], word[:cluster_dex], suffix)
# *** An object of this method initializes the string it wants to
# convert when it is created. ***
>>> p = PigLatin("Tom's") # initialize with a sting
# pig_latin attribute is then set with the converted text
>>> p.pig_latin == "om'sTay"
# *** Further, the class should have a method that allows the string to be
# modified to perform another conversion. ***
>>> p.convert_words('the ap!ple is green') # modify the pig_latin attribute
>>> p.pig_latin == 'ethay ap!plehay ishay eengray'
# *** build a pigLatin_class that works with strings and lists and has a
# method to convert a string into pig latin. ***
>>> p.convert_words(['myth', 'cry']) # use a list of strings
>>> p.pig_latin == 'ythmway rycway'
# *** The set of VOWELS can be defined as a static attribute of the class. ***
>>> p.VOWELS
{'E', 'e', 'A', 'O', 'a', 'i', 'u', 'I', 'U', 'o'}
# *** The class pigLatin should be based on the basic object datatype. ***
>>> isinstance(p, object) # inherits from object "class PigLatin(object):"
# *** method pLatin_converter can be used. ***
>>> p.pig_latin # current pig_latin attribute
'ythmway rycway'
# returns a word without modifying the pig_latin attribute
>>> p.p_latin_converter("Kate's care")
"ate's careKay"
# show that the pig_latin attribute wasn't modified after the above call
>>> p.pig_latin
'ythmway rycway'