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MergeSort in 2D Array Java

I have function for which should sort 2D String array according to some feature index. Here is my 2D array of 4 elements (4 x 10).

String[][] testArr = {
                {"","","2156","","80","6","13/06/2010 06:01:11","2328040","2","0"}
               ,{"","","2159","","80","6","13/06/2010 06:01:11","2328006","2","0"}
               ,{"","","3709","","139","6","13/06/2010 06:01:16","7917","10","9"}
               ,{"","","59707","","25","6","13/06/2010 06:01:25","113992","6","3"}

I want to sort these elements according to lets say their 7th index, which is (2328040,2328006,7917,113992) in each element respectively. Here is the function I wrote for it:

// ************MERGE SORT***************************
public static void mergeSort(String[][] arr,int featureIndex){
        mergeSort(arr,new String [arr.length][84],0,arr.length-1,featureIndex);

public static void mergeSort(String[][] arr,String [][] temp,int leftStart,int rightEnd,int featureIndex){
        if(leftStart >= rightEnd){
        int mid = (leftStart + rightEnd)/2;
        mergeSort(arr,temp,leftStart, mid,featureIndex);
        mergeSort(arr,temp,mid + 1, rightEnd,featureIndex);
// Merge 2 Halves
public static void mergeHalves(String[][] arr,String[][] temp,int leftStart,int rightEnd,int featureIndex){
        int leftEnd = (rightEnd + leftStart)/2;
        int rightStart = leftEnd + 1;
        int size = rightEnd - leftStart + 1;

        int left = leftStart;
        int right = rightStart;
        int index = leftStart;

        while(left <= leftEnd && right <= rightEnd){
            if(Double.parseDouble(arr[left][featureIndex]) <= Double.parseDouble(arr[right][featureIndex])){
                temp[index][featureIndex] = arr[left][featureIndex];
                temp[index][featureIndex] = arr[right][featureIndex];
        // Copy the arrays
        System.arraycopy(arr, left, temp, index, leftEnd - left + 1);
        System.arraycopy(arr, right, temp, index, rightEnd - right + 1);
        System.arraycopy(temp, leftStart, arr, leftStart, size);


When I run the program it prints out 7917 7917 7917 113992 respectively in each element. How can I fix this?


  • Your merge function has some problems, you could simplify the function to

    public static void mergeHalves(String[][] array,
                                   String[][] aux,
                                   int start, int middle, 
                                   int end, 
                                   int index) {
        if (start >= end) return;
        int ls = start, le = middle, rs = middle + 1, re = end, size = end - start + 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if (rs > re) {
                aux[i] = array[ls++];
            } else if (ls > le) {
                aux[i] = array[rs++];
            } else if (Double.parseDouble(array[ls][index]) 
                    <= Double.parseDouble(array[rs][index])) {
                aux[i] = array[ls++];
            } else {
                aux[i] = array[rs++];
        System.arraycopy(aux, 0, array, start, size);

    Using this approach (merge sort of a array of arrays), you would need to deal with the types in the array, because in this case you cannot use parseDouble the columns 0, 1, 3 and 6. You could use a Comparator of string Comparator<String> as variable in mergeHalves() replacing the comparation in the else if with[ls][index], array[rs][index]) <= 0. Then defining and passing the comparator acording to the type of data.